BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

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BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by Canard1066 »


Replaced my BT Home Hub 6 with a Billion 8800NL R2.

All set up and working ok but not getting the ipv6 address so fails IPv6 test sites such as

I have ticked "Pv6 for this service" in the WAN Service page and my 8800NL R2 has the latest d15 firmware.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by billion_fan »

Canard1066 wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:00 am Hello.

Replaced my BT Home Hub 6 with a Billion 8800NL R2.

All set up and working ok but not getting the ipv6 address so fails IPv6 test sites such as

I have ticked "Pv6 for this service" in the WAN Service page and my 8800NL R2 has the latest d15 firmware.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by Canard1066 »


Thank you for your prompt reply.

All sorted and working correctly.

Happy New Year.
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Re: BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by pastypower »

Hi There,

Thank you for the screen shot - managed to get IPV6 working on my Billion after all these years.

Thank you
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Re: BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by RedDwarf »

Thanks, worked for me as well. My BT home Hub router was providing IPv6 but my Billion 8800NL R2 would never provide IPv6 internet access. The BT Home Hub router give an absolutely pathetic connection speed and until fibre finally arrives and Openreach have been promising Full Fibre for nearly three years with emails claiming that it would be available within 6 months. Nothing so far has appeared despite my MP trying to encourage Openreach to get it done.

The telephone lines in my area are crap quality which means they cannot even offer fibre to the cabinet add to that when I switched to BT Openreach killed/swapped my phone line for a worse quality line. Personally I think that they swapped it to someone who lives locally that works at Openreach or some mate or other. From 7 Mbit/1.3Mbit using a Speedtouch 546 router when using Be Broadband down to around 5 Mbit/900Kbit or 3.6 Mbit/900Kbit with the BT Home Hub after OR changed the phone line.

At least now I can access most of the internet :D even if I can do very little in regard to streaming using a 5 Mbit connection. Youtube sucks.
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Re: BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by billion_fan »

RedDwarf wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:52 pm Thanks, worked for me as well. My BT home Hub router was providing IPv6 but my Billion 8800NL R2 would never provide IPv6 internet access. The BT Home Hub router give an absolutely pathetic connection speed and until fibre finally arrives and Openreach have been promising Full Fibre for nearly three years with emails claiming that it would be available within 6 months. Nothing so far has appeared despite my MP trying to encourage Openreach to get it done.

The telephone lines in my area are crap quality which means they cannot even offer fibre to the cabinet add to that when I switched to BT Openreach killed/swapped my phone line for a worse quality line. Personally I think that they swapped it to someone who lives locally that works at Openreach or some mate or other. From 7 Mbit/1.3Mbit using a Speedtouch 546 router when using Be Broadband down to around 5 Mbit/900Kbit or 3.6 Mbit/900Kbit with the BT Home Hub after OR changed the phone line.

At least now I can access most of the internet :D even if I can do very little in regard to streaming using a 5 Mbit connection. Youtube sucks.
As you can on ADSL you can always try tweaking the SNR and see if you can get increased speeds
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Re: BT Broadband and IPv6 setup.

Post by RedDwarf »

lol I am already using a 0.1 dB SN Margin because the damn BT automatic adjustments have put my default margin up to 16 dB. It is currently stable enough at a working 7.7 dB SNRM Down and 10.0 dB SNRM Up with the 0.1 dB setting in my router. I was getting only 3.6 Mbit/s on the BT Home Hub.

I have always liked any auto adjustment disabled on my line because otherwise I get crap speed. I have always tweaked it to best speed at the time of year which does come into the equation. Hot weather usually causes low speed but ATM it isn't adversely affecting it for some reason which is unusual.

I use DSLStats to monitor the connection.
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гербицид для кукурузы

Post by agrohimewb »

Добрый день господа.
С каждым годом состав удобрений и химикатов органического и неорганического происхождения становится все эффективнее. Они создаются с учетом особенностей грунта, растений и предохраняют их от заражения специфическими заболеваниями. Некоторые из химических удобрений универсальны в использовании и походят для небольших участков, другие же применяются только в определенных условиях. Так, неорганика прекрасно защищает, увеличивает и улучшает свойства урожая, однако не всегда подходит для зерновых или плодово-овощных культур. Мы предлагаем своим потребителям как испытанные десятилетиями классические удобрения, так и новые разработки, улучшающие состав почв, ускоряющие рост и даже идущие во благо животным.
1)аммиачная селитра купить в минске - Минеральные удобрения купить в Минске можно самовывозом в течении 20 минут, либо c оперативной доставкой.
2)минеральные удобрения купить Минск - Мы предлагаем вам приобрести только комплексные препараты, позволяющие полностью насытить потребности растения после обработки.
3)неорганические удобрения купить - Каждый товар проходит тщательные клинические испытания на различных видах почв и только после этого запускается в серийное производство.
4)минеральные удобрения в Беларуси - Мы заботимся о том, чтобы предоставляемый нами сервис был высокого уровня.
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