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Extending 7800N range with 3100SN

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:47 pm
by 12 Oz Mouse
I have a problem getting my newly acquired 3100SN to work with my BiPac 7800N. I've followed whatever instructions I've been able to find on the web, but I still can't get these devices to see each other wirelessly. For configuration purposes, I've kept the 3100SN wired to the network (via network home plugs), and can ping its IP address. If I unplug the ethernet cable, it can no longer be pinged. From what I can determine, it appears that my wireless devices are still connecting to the 7800N, despite being in immediate proximity to the 3100SN.

This is what I've done so far:
3100SN (running firmware 1.06k-c (Sep 13 2010))
* Retained the default ip address of
* Changed SSID1 to that of my network (i.e. the same as on the 7800N)
* Changed Channel (Frequency) to the same channel as the 7800N (though after Applying, this displays AutoSelect)
* Set WDS mode to Repeater mode, and added the Mac code of the 7800N under 'AP Mac Address'
* Under 'Wireless Settings/ Security', I've selected the same encryption method as the 7800N, and supplied the Pass Phrase
* Under AP Client, I selected the row with the Channel, SSID, Mac code and Security mode which corresponds to the 7800N (Note: strangely, the Mac code shown here is different to the one I can see for the 7800N, but there doesn't seem to be any way of changing it); again I've entered the appropriate security key.

7800N (running firmware 1.06d, Annex A)
* Kept the default IP address of
* WPS service is disabled; I've enabled the WDS, and entered the Mac address of the 3100SN under 'Peer WDS Mac Address'
* Verified that the SSID, Encryption type, and Pass Phrase is the same for both the 7800N and the 3100SN
* The 7800N's 'DHCP Server mode' is DHCP Server
* Under Static ARP, I've assigned a fixed IP address of to the Mac address of the 3100SN

I'd really appreciate any help in figuring out what basic error I'm making, as I just can't figure it out.
Thanks for reading.

Re: Extending 7800N range with 3100SN

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:11 pm
by kjharkin
I have the exact same problem with the same pieces of kit (I bought the 3100SN just a few days ago.) with the same firmware versions.

Can anyone shed any light on these issues or provide detailed instructions?

Re: Extending 7800N range with 3100SN

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:27 pm
by JayKay
There is a thread on this subject on the Australian Billion forum here: ... ?t=1895173
Also, do a search on the AU forum for 3100SN

Re: Extending 7800N range with 3100SN

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:38 pm
by kjharkin
Thanks JayKay - I had a look around that forum today but no luck.

However - I've got it working! (after a fashion). To 12 Oz Mouse - here's where I started, what I tried but didn't work and finally what did work for me:

1. My setup when it wasn't working was exactly the same as yours (although I tried a few variations as no doubt you did too):
3100SN (running firmware 1.06k-c (Sep 13 2010))
*Retained the default ip address of - same here
* Changed SSID1 to that of my network (i.e. the same as on the 7800N) - same here
* Changed Channel (Frequency) to the same channel as the 7800N (though after Applying, this displays AutoSelect) - I selected 6 for both
* Set WDS mode to Repeater mode, and added the Mac code of the 7800N under 'AP Mac Address' - same here
* Under 'Wireless Settings/ Security', I've selected the same encryption method as the 7800N, and supplied the Pass Phrase - same here: WPA/WPA2-PSK
* Under AP Client, I selected the row with the Channel, SSID, Mac code and Security mode which corresponds to the 7800N (Note: strangely, the Mac code shown here is different to the one I can see for the 7800N, but there doesn't seem to be any way of changing it); again I've entered the appropriate security key. same here - AP MAC Address of 7800N is different to the real MAC Address - anyone know why?

7800N (running firmware 1.06d, Annex A)
* Kept the default IP address of same here
* WPS service is disabled; I've enabled the WDS, and entered the Mac address of the 3100SN under 'Peer WDS Mac Address' same here
* Verified that the SSID, Encryption type, and Pass Phrase is the same for both the 7800N and the 3100SN same here
* The 7800N's 'DHCP Server mode' is DHCP Server same here
* Under Static ARP, I've assigned a fixed IP address of to the Mac address of the 3100SN same here

2. Additional things I tried that didn't work (or at least didn't make a difference):
* Made the two devices have the same SSID
* Turned off AP Client in 3100sn and entered both MAC addresses for the 7800 into the AP Mac Addresses (where you tell it WDS mode is Repeater)
* Did the opposite - turned off WDS and turned on AP Client

3. Now the solution (it's a bit of an anti-climax I'm afraid):
* Turn off AP Client
* Change the WDS mode to 'Lazy'

After changing the mode from 'Repeater' to 'Lazy' it worked like a charm - the 7800N and 3100SN could see each other and my end-user devices to see both, connect to both (through the same SSID) and get to the internet. My set-top box-based BBC iPlayer has never worked so well!

Now I don't know the answer to why 'Lazy' mode would work and not 'Repeater' mode. Am I right in assuming that 'Lazy' mode is simply 'Repeater' + Auto-Discovery of other WDS Access Points? If so I wonder if this dual-MAC address mystery on the 7800N has something to do with it????

Anyway, it's now all good - give it a go and let us know if it works for you too.

Re: Extending 7800N range with 3100SN

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:19 pm
by 12 Oz Mouse
@ JayKay - many thanks for the pointer to that particular Australian thread - I'll explore it further.

@ kjharkin - thanks so much for posting you solution, I've tried it and it works! :D At least, it works in wired mode, I still can't get the (wireless) connection between the 3100 and 7800 to work if I don't use the Network plug and an ethernet cable, but I can certainly live with that! I'll explore the Australian forums a bit more to see if there's a valid reason. And, like you, I'm still mystified by the ghost MAC address...

Can I just check: do you have your devices connected via ethernet cable, or have you managed to achieve a working wireless solution?
Again, thanks for getting me a working solution, I really appreciate it.

Re: Extending 7800N range with 3100SN

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:41 am
by kjharkin
Hi 12 Oz Mouse

All my devices (desktops, laptops, phones, printers, set-top boxes, games consoles) are connected via wireless. In fact the only device which is connected via ethernet is a NAS (to the 7800N). The 7800N and 3100SN both have the same SSID and the devices choose the signal which is strongest as far as I can tell (the only exception being an XBox which thinks there are two networks with the same name and doesn't like that).